Times are most certainly still very challenging and the daily news as to the Covid-19 situation is alarming. I know we are all waiting anxiously to see what might occur over the High Holidays and as of now that is still very much an unknown. We are hoping for the best and planning for the worst and will do our utmost to cater to you, our dear community, to the best of our abilities. I also want to remind everyone that if I or the Shule can be of any assistance or help please do not hesitate to call on us. In particular circumstances right now around aged-care are not easy and if you are struggling emotionally with these matters please feel free to be in touch with me and I will do my best to be of support.

On a positive note we are keeping things active in the virtual space and many events and programs are happening on a weekly basis. I know there is a lot on offer and we encourage you to have a look at the offerings and join for those that peek your interest. It is also a nice way to feel connected and combat some of the feelings of isolation! I hope you are enjoying the events and I will continue to work hard to ensure we continue to provide the many programs.

Just to highlight one event for next week on Wednesday 5th August. We are organising a “Community Dinner” from your home. Use this link www.trybooking.com/bkmxr to order dinner from To Catch A Chef and it will be delivered / or pick up arrangement and then we will eat together at 5:30pm and have a fun game of Family Feud!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and blessings!

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Daniel & Rebbetzin Sarah Rabin

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