Today I wanted to also share a short video message with you below.

We’ve now entered the next phase of dealing with the pandemic, together as a community. Tougher restrictions and regulations but the goal hasn’t changed.

Save lives.

I know there is still a lot of uncertainty and fear, I’m feeling it, but it’s encouraging to see so many social media groups, Shules, organisations and individuals doing their best to assist and be there for those in need.

Let’s all keep this helping hand going.

I know it is sometimes easy to be critical and point out the mistakes in others but please just keep in mind that people are trying their best. These are unchartered waters for us all and we don’t get everything right. Be patient. Talk nicely.

If we can continue to remind ourselves that this is a team effort, we will get through this quicker and with less damage. It requires each individual and each family to work together.

So please:

– listen to the rules, the government is on our side. They are putting these measures in place to help us and help save our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
– take care of yourself and your family. Your mental health and well-being is crucial. Lots of resources out there to help manage this.
– assist others where you can. Many will be struggling, financially, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. If you can help with any of those please do so. Don’t underestimate what even a little assistance can do for another person. Every dollar and smile counts.
– don’t navigate this alone. Please. If you need support, please ask for it. I know it is not always easy to ask for help. But remember, there are many organisations waiting to assist. Please do ask.
– keep the belief that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

As I posted the other day, all for one and one for all!

Please see the video below. Video link

Wishing you a beautiful Shabbat and weekend ahead!

Rabbi Daniel & Rebbetzin Sarah Rabin

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